EuroMed University
InterUniversity Platform
TaxNr: ESG87905626 · PIC 913475094 ·Reg.Nr: 39.657

 La morte non è nel non poter comunicare ma nel non poter piú essere compresi

China and the Mediterranean:
Historical-Cultural, Strategic-Politica an Socio-Economic Relations
Master d´Université 2022 (En proceso) - Virtual  60 ECTS
(Statutes & Regulations, § 1.2.2.-)

Wang Wei (, 699-761 d.C.)



  • About this Action

  • Program
  • University Network
  • Information for students
  • Information for professors

  • Master´s Final Project (MFP)
  • Contact - Transparency
  • PhD

About this Action

The Master d'Ùniversité proposed is a joint offer of the institutions that are part of the Academic Council of the EuroMed University: The offer is under negotiation, being predictable incorporating other universities in the Mediterranean Area and especially of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Being an innovative offer, that wants to know the expectations that we generate, the Academic Council will design the corresponding Curriculum after consulting the affected political, cultural and economic-social institutions.


El Máster d'Université) que se propone es una oferta conjunta de las instituciones que forman parte del Academic Council of the EuroMed University:  La oferta está en fase de negociación, siendo previsible la incorporación de otras Universidades del Área Mediterránea y, especialmente, de América Latina y el Caribe.

Al tratarse de una oferta innovadora, que desea conocer las expectivas que generamos, el Academic Council diseñará el correspondiente Plan de Estudios previa consulta a las instituciones políticas, culturales y económico-sociales afectadas.

 La mia indipendenza, che è la mia forza, implica la solitudine, che è la mia debolezza